Mojtaba Mafi
Medical Doctor
Tehran university
I am Dr.Mojtaba Mafi M.D., Medical Doctor/ Physician, Graduate of Tehran university, School of Medicine with honor. I studied during 6 years in neurosurgery ward and graduated with A score with thesis on Meningioma Brain Tumor. I continued my practice with special consideration of psychosomatic disorders and I passed many post graduate courses on health psychology, addiction medicine, sexual disorders therapy successfully. I am speaker of multiple world and international conferences in the field of neurology and neuroscience held in France, Italy, Japan… and organizing committee member of International Conference on Alzheimer's disease and Dementia in London. I published reviews for articles in the field of neuroscience and neurology in Elsevier and Kudos. One of my research aspects on Meningioma is behavioral change among patients with Brain tumor.
Research Interest
Recurrent Meningioma, Tumor cellular pathology