Bharat Bhushan
Professor and Director
The Ohio State University
Dr. Bharat Bhushan received an M.S. in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1971, an M.S. in mechanics and a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 1973 and 1976, respectively, an MBA from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute at Troy, NY in 1980, Doctor Technicae from the University of Trondheim at Trondheim, Norway in 1990, a Doctor of Technical Sciences from the Warsaw University of Technology at Warsaw, Poland in 1996, and Doctor Honouris Causa from the National Academy of Sciences at Gomel, Belarus in 2000 and University of Kragujevac, Serbia in 2011. He is a registered professional engineer. He is presently an Ohio Eminent Scholar and The Howard D. Winbigler Professor in the College of Engineering, and the Director of the Nanoprobe Laboratory for Bio- & Nanotechnology and Biomimetics (NLB2) at the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. He is also serving as an ASME/AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow, House Committee on Science, Space & Technology, United States Congress, Washington, DC. He is an internationally recognized expert of bio/nanotribology and bio/nanomechanics using scanning probe microscopy, and is one of the most prolific authors. He is considered by some a pioneer of the tribology and mechanics of magnetic storage devices. He has authored 8 scientific books, 90+ handbook chapters, 800+ scientific papers (h-index – 74+; ISI Highly Cited Researcher in Materials Science since 2007 and in Biology and Biochemistry since 2013; ISI Top 5% Cited Authors for Journals in Chemistry since 2011), and 60+ technical reports. He has also edited 50+ books and holds 19 U.S. and foreign patents. He is co-editor of Springer NanoScience and Technology Series and co-editor of Microsystem Technologies, and Member of Editorial Board of PNAS. He has given more than 400 invited presentations on six continents and more than 200 keynote/plenary addresses at major international conferences. Dr. Bhushan is an accomplished organizer. He organized the Ist Symposium on Tribology and Mechanics of Magnetic Storage Systems in 1984 and the Ist Int. Symposium on Advances in Information Storage Systems in 1990, both of which are now held annually. He organized two international NATO institutes in Europe. He is the founder of an ASME Information Storage and Processing Systems Division founded in 1993 and served as the founding chair during 1993-1998. His biography has been listed in over two dozen Who's Who books including Who's Who in the World and has received more than two dozen awards for his contributions to science and technology from professional societies, industry, and U.S. government agencies. He is also the recipient of various international fellowships including the Alexander von Humboldt Research Prize for Senior Scientists, Max Planck Foundation Research Award for Outstanding Foreign Scientists, Fulbright Senior Scholar Award, and Tribology Life Achievement Award. He is a foreign member of the International Academy of Engineering (Russia), Byelorussian Academy of Engineering and Technology and the Academy of Triboengineering of Ukraine, an honorary member of the Society of Tribologists of Belarus and STLE, a fellow of ASME, IEEE, and the New York Academy of Sciences, and a member of ASEE, Sigma Xi and Tau Beta Pi. Dr. Bhushan has previously worked for Mechanical Technology Inc., Latham, NY; SKF Industries Inc., King of Prussia, PA; IBM, Tucson, AZ; and IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA. He has held visiting professorship at University of California at Berkeley, University of Cambridge, UK, Technical University Vienna, Austria, University of Paris, Orsay, ETH Zurich and EPFL Lausanne. He is currently a visiting professor at Univ. of Southampton, UK, Univ. of Kragujevac, Serbia, Tsinghua Univ., China, Harbin Inst., China, and KFUPM, Saudi Arabia.
Research Interest
His research interests include fundamental studies with a focus on scanning probe techniques in the interdisciplinary areas of bio/nanotribology, bio/nanomechanics and bio/nanomaterials characterization and applications to bio/nanotechnology, and biomimetics.