Alexander Trofimov
General director and Chief Scientific council
International Scientific Research Institute of Cosmoplanetary Anthropoecology
Trofimov Alexander Vasil’evich. 1973 – got a diploma of the Doctor on Novosibirsk State Medical University. 1998 - degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences, after- ISA professor (1999), academician of International Academy Energyinformative Sciences (2001), academician of American biographic Institute (ABI), (2010), General director and Chief of Scientific council of International Scientific Research Institute of Cosmoplanetary Anthropoecology named after Academician V.P,Kaznacheev (1994- 2017), chief of laboratory helioclimatopatology of Science Center of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Medical Science (until 2010 year). Trofimov Alexander is too D.Sc (H.C.,Colombo,1996), D.Sc of Open International University for Complementary Medicine in Affilation with Zoroasrtian College (1998) From 1975 till 2017 wrote more than 300 scientific works, 7 monographs and have 7 patents.Awarded with honorary certificate for achievements in the field of helioecology and geocosmic medicine by Cambridge Biographical Institute (GB) and with the Medal of achievements in field of Cosmic Anthropoecology by American Biographic Institute (ABI) and included in the list of 500 Greatest Geniuses of the 21st Century book (Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, 2009).Awarded of the Medal of Russian Federation of Cosmonauties (2001) and the American Medal of Honor for Contribution to Cosmic Anthropoecology (ABI-USA,2007).
Research Interest
Heliobiology, Cosmic Anthropoecology, Geoecology, Cardiology, Transpersonal Psychology, Kozyrev’s space Investigations